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Consoling the Heart of Jesus Coordinator Kit with book

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The Consoling the Heart of Jesus (CHJ) Coordinator Kit: everything you'll need to lead a small-group retreat, including the book Consoling the Heart of Jesus.

The Consoling the Heart of Jesus Coordinator Kit with book comes with everything you'll need to lead a Consoling the Heart of Jesus Small-group Retreat, including the retreat book Consoling the Heart of Jesus.
In addition to the retreat book, this comprehensive kit includes all the materials in the Participant Packet, as well as the DVD set of 10 talks by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC, and the Retreat Coordinator's Guide.

This Consoling the Heart of Jesus Coordinator Kit includes the following:
* Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat Participant Packet
- Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat Book
- Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat Companion
- "Consoler's Morning Offering" prayer card - 8"x10" Divine Mercy Image
- Rosary (colors will vary) - "Chaplet and Novena of Divine Mercy" pamphlet
- 8½" x 11" full-color Consoler's Principle and Foundation Certificate
- "Way of the Cross" pamphlet
- Divine Mercy Explained Booklet
* Consoling the Heart of Jesus: Retreat Talks by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC (DVD set: 10 sessions, approximately 36-min each)
* Consoling the Heart of Jesus Retreat Coordinator's Guide

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Happ Pack OptionsCoordinator Kit (includes book)
TypeGroup Programs
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