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EADM Cenacle Formation Series

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Becoming a Eucharistic Apostle
Cenacle Formation Manual #1
Cenacle Formation Manual #2
Cenacle Formation Manual #3
Cenacle Formation Manual Set, books 1-3

A Divine Mercy Cenacle is a group of people who meet weekly for song, prayer, and discussion on Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and the writings of St. Maria Faustina, as a small Christian community.  The revelations given to St. Maria Faustina are excellent for spiritual growth and also give a deeper understanding of our merciful Lord.

Cenacle Formation Manuals guide Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy (EADM) prayer cenacles through the Diary of St. Faustina, integrating Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.
By Dr. Bryan and Susan Thatcher.

Spanish Cenacle Formation Series

Cenacle Formation Manuals guide EADM prayer cenacles through the Diary of St. Faustina, integrating Sacred Scripture and the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

Becoming a Eucharistic Apostle:
A concise how-to guide with suggestions for Cenacles, and an Application Statement.
Cenacle Formation Manual #1: answers questions like "What is a cenacle?" and "Why join?" It gives an overview of the cenacle formation process.
Cenacle Formation Manual #2: further explains the workings of forming a Cenacle.
Cenacle Formation Manual #3: completes the guided study program through St. Faustina's Diary.

Learn More About Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy (EADM)

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Author General Dr. Bryan and Susan Thatcher
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